
Mini noh mask representing a traditional white and red ceramic make-up, KUMADORI, 5.4 cm

Color white
height 5.5 cm
width 4 cm
Product origin Made in Japan
Compositions ceramic

Kumadori (隈 取) is the stage makeup worn by actors in the Kabuki theater, a form of traditional Japanese theater that originated in the Edo period.
The Kumadori is usually composed of a white background personalized with stripes of bright colors. These colors represent the personality, the role of the actor.

The red marks (stereotype of Kabuki in the West): Represents the powerful and virtuous hero
A black beard, purple veins and dark blue eyebrows: the villain of the story
Blue makeup: Magical creature, ghost or spirit (blue represents negative emotions such as jealousy or fear.)
Gray or brown: Animals, Oni (demons), Yokai (monsters), anything that is inhuman.