
Traditional Japanese mask, Jurojin, The Seven Deities of Happiness - SHICHI FUKUJIN

Color brown
height 20 cm
width 16 cm
Product origin Made in Japan
Compositions plastic

Traditional Japanese mask, Jurojin, The Seven Deities of Happiness - SHICHI FUKUJIN

Made in japan

The Seven Deities of Happiness (七 福神, Shichi Fukujin) in Japan refer to the seven deities of good fortune in Japanese mythology:

Ebisu, divinity of fishermen, merchants and prosperity, often represented carrying a cod or a bass;

Daikokuten or Daikoku, divinity of wealth, commerce and trade. Ebisu and Daikoku are often paired and represented in the form of masks or sculptures on the walls of small stalls;
Bishamonten, deity of warriors and protective god of Buddhist law and prosperity;
Benzaiten or Benten, deity of knowledge, art and beauty, eloquence, music, literature, arts and sciences, virtue and wisdom, prosperity and longevity;
Fukurokuju, divinity of happiness, wealth and longevity, virility and wisdom;
Hotei, deity of abundance and good health, contentment and commerce;
Jurōjin, deity of longevity and prosperity.