
Furoshiki de algodón japonés, INDIGO SAKURA, flor de cerezo

Color azul blanco
ancho 100 cm
longitud 100 cm
Origen del producto. Hecho en Japon
Tipo unisex
Composición Algodón

Furoshiki (風呂敷) is a traditional Japanese technique for folding a fabric used to transport clothing, gifts, bento, etc. 

It is an eco-friendly way of wrapping what you need to transport and is a perfect replacement for gift wrap.

Its shape is traditionally rectangular but is currently mostly square. They are made of all kinds of fabrics, such as cotton, silk, nylon, etc...  

The size of the furoshiki varies according to the use you want to make of it:

- 45 cm side: to wrap money (festive period or funeral),
- 50 or 52 cm side: for carrying a bento lunch box or wrapping small gifts,
- 68, 70 or 75 cm sides: the most adaptable for gift wrapping,
- 90 cm side: to wrap a bottle, a book or to make a small bag,
- 105 or 118 cm sides: the most adaptable for making bags,
- 128 or 140 cm sides: for packing clothes or making a large picnic basket,
- 150 cm side: for transporting or packing a bulky object,
- 175 or 195 or 230 cm sides: for transporting futons and duvets, for example for a move.